Current phishing wave

How do I register in the TWINT prepaid app?

Should your bank not have its own TWINT app, you have the option of using the TWINT prepaid app. To register for the TWINT prepaid app, please proceed as follows:

The first step to take is to install the TWINT prepaid app for Android or iOS and then open the app.

To ensure that you can now register, we need to verify your identity. To do so, please take the following steps:

  • You will first be asked to enter your mobile phone number. Please note that the mobile phone number must belong to you and have the area code of one of the countries listed here. We will then send you an SMS containing a verification code directly to make sure that you have not entered your telephone number incorrectly. Please enter this code in the app to continue. Important: never disclose this SMS code to other people.
  • Now, tap “Create a new account”. Important: If you already have a TWINT prepaid account, tap “I have a TWINT prepaid account”.
  • The next step is to enter your personal details and then tap “Next”.
  • Afterwards, you need to specify with which identification document you would like to verify your identity. Please make sure that you have the relevant identification document to hand.
    • Depending on the identification document, you will need to take photographs of both sides of the identification document (follow the on-screen instructions).
    • The identification number, first name(s), last name(s), date of birth, nationality and validity date must be clearly visible and displayed in full.
    • No information must be cut off at the edges and there must not be any reflected light visible on the photo of the identification document.
  • You will subsequently be asked to take a selfie of you holding the identification document.
    • For the selfie, use the same identification document that you took a photograph of in the previous step.
    • Your identification document must be completely visible. Hold it between your fingers so that they do not cover up any information. Align the position in which you hold the identification document with the corresponding markings on your phone screen.
    • Your face must be completely visible in the selfie and must neither be covered by the identification document nor cut off at the edges of the photograph. Align the position of your face with the corresponding markings on your phone screen.

  • Now enter your current residential address. Please note that we have to verify these details before you can use TWINT without any restrictions.
  • Please confirm whether the TWINT credit will belong to you alone or whether additional people are entitled to the credit.
  • You will now be asked to define a six-digit PIN to access your TWINT app. After completing the registration process, you can also set up the fingerprint or facial recognition unlocking function. To do this, open the Settings menu and select “Security”.
  • If you ever forget your PIN, we will send you a new PIN via e-mail. To enable us to do so, please enter your e-mail address.
  • Last but not least, define which push notifications you would like to receive from TWINT and whether you want to give permission for TWINT to show you personalised offers. You can also change this setting at any point in the future under Settings.

Once you have completed the registration process, your details will be checked by us. This can take up to 2 working days. In the meantime, you can familiarise yourself with and explore the TWINT app. You can only top up your credit via a deposit or direct debit and send and receive money to and from other TWINT users once we have successfully verified your identity.

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service team.


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Important: You will receive no reply to your message. For support requests, please contact the TWINT Support team at your bank directly.