“Pay later”: the new payment solution for your online shop

Twint pay later

With the new “Pay later” function from TWINT, you can offer your customers a modern payment option with an extra degree of flexibility.

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Twint pay later
    Key Points Benefits for merchants What is "Pay Later"? Benefits for customers What to be aware of Register as merchan FAQ

The key points in brief

The new “Pay later” function allows your customers to shop in a relaxed manner and with an extra degree of flexibility. This is because they decide themselves at the checkout whether they want to pay now or within 30 days. This function is being offered in collaboration with Swissbilling (a brand of CembraPay AG).

Benefits for merchants

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  • Higher conversion rate (potential increase in revenues)
  • The possibility of benefiting from accompanying marketing measures
  • A large user base: more than 5 million people use TWINT
  • No risk for merchants: you receive the purchase amount immediately, while our partner company Swissbilling (a brand of CembraPay AG) assumes the default risk
  • Payments as usual: you will continue to receive payments in line with the payment interval you selected


  • New technical integration not required
  • An ultramodern, digitally integrated customer experience
  • A flexible payment option to ensure greater customer loyalty
  • Tried-and-tested process for refunds
  • Completely digital via TWINT and no need for paper invoices or the physical delivery of invoices

What is the “Pay later” payment solution and how does it work?

Integrate the “Pay later” function as a payment option in your online shop and enable your customers to decide whether they want to use TWINT to pay immediately or in 30 days. This way, you are offering a payment option that is similar to the traditional method of purchase on account, albeit the new method is completely digital and is settled via TWINT so there’s no need for any paperwork.

Good to know: The option to purchase now and pay later is very popular in Switzerland. That’s why “purchase on account” is one of the most popular payment methods in e-commerce and is indispensable for a great many consumers. Over 70% of online merchants in Switzerland offer purchase on account. 1

1Source:Onlinehändlerbefragung 2022, ZHAW

How your customers can benefit from the “Pay later” option

  • A more flexible shopping experience by means of an additional payment option
  • Like purchase on account, but paperless and convenient with TWINT
  • A seamless and modern user experience
  • Low risk of reminders having to be sent out thanks to automated payments
  • Transparency and control – no hidden fees
  • Simple reimbursement of partial and full returns

Junge Frau mit Smartphone in der Hand und Shopping Bag

What do I need to be aware of if I want to offer the “Pay later” function for my shop?


With the “Pay later” option, you will also get your money paid out with your daily or weekly statement as usual, depending on which payment interval you have chosen.

Limits on amounts for customers

The maximum amount can vary and is a maximum of CHF 1000 for individual transactions and a maximum of CHF 5000 for the year. When paying for purchases that have been made using the “Pay later” function, the usual limits for the respective TWINT app shall also apply. These can vary according to the version being used – TWINT prepaid or the apps for the various issuer banks. The minimum amount is normally CHF 10. However, this can vary.

Register for "Pay later" with TWINT

BNPL (business customers)

FAQ: Questions and answers on the “Pay later” service for merchants

Who pays the fees?

You, the merchant, decide who will pay the fees for the option to pay later with TWINT.

Generally, the buyer pays the fees. However, merchants can decide to pay these fees for their customers. There are certain terms and conditions that apply in such instances. Further information and a registration form are available here.

Do I need to add “Pay later” with TWINT as an additional payment option in my online shop?

You do not have to make any changes to your online shop to offer this function. Your customers will decide directly whether they want to pay for the transaction immediately or at a later date when paying in the TWINT app.

Will all of my customers be able to use the “Pay later” function in the TWINT app?

The option to pay later will be offered to all TWINT users in the app, provided that they are 18 or over and are domiciled in Switzerland. Further terms and conditions can be defined, where necessary, by the respective TWINT app issuer.

Our partner company Swissbilling will also carry out additional checks, for example a credit rating check.

How do I deactivate the Pay later with TWINT function / terminate the agreement as a merchant?

Please contact us via e-mail at [email protected].