Cash register with terminal
At the cash register, ask whether TWINT payments are supported. If they are, open the TWINT app and tap “Pay” at the bottom of the screen (iOS users can also use the widget for this purpose). Point your smartphone camera at the QR code displayed on the terminal. After the payment has been successfully made, you will see a confirmation in the app. In addition, you can also have a push notification provide details about your payment. To do so, open your TWINT prepaid app, tap on the 3 dots or lines in the top-right or top-left corner of the screen and then tap “General settings” > “Push notifications”.
Cash register with a QR code sticker
Open the TWINT app and tap “Pay” at the bottom of the screen (iOS users can also use the widget for this purpose). Point your smartphone camera at the QR code sticker and confirm the payment. You may be asked by the merchant to enter some information (e.g. the payment purpose). With a QR code sticker with a variable amount, you must enter the amount you wish to pay before confirming the payment. With a QR code sticker with a variable amount, you must enter the amount you wish to pay before confirming the payment. After the payment has been successfully made, you will see a confirmation in the app. If asked to do so, show the merchant the confirmation screen and then close the app.
According to a recent study carried out by ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, approximately 77% of bricks and mortar retailers and 76% of online shops in Switzerland now offer TWINT as a payment method.