How it works
You can now also make donations directly from the TWINT app. Find out how to donate in TWINT now.
Do you have any further questions about donating in TWINT?
Children in need, natural disasters, wars. These are just a few examples of cases in which people urgently require support and assistance. With TWINT, you can make your donation in a simple, quick and convenient manner. Help to reduce suffering in the world – your donation makes a difference.
You can now also make donations directly from the TWINT app. Find out how to donate in TWINT now.
Do you have any further questions about donating in TWINT?
No need for e-banking or the cumbersome entering of a reference number.
You can pay easily in a matter of seconds using your smartphone.
You have complete transparency and control of your donations at all times. You can receive a donation receipt, should you want one.
Support charitable organisations in performing their work to make the world a better place. You can make donations to the following organisations using TWINT: