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Now also connect TWINT to a St.Galler Kantonalbank bank account

Customers of St.Galler Kantonalbank (SGBK) have been able to connect their bank account directly to TWINT since early March and thereby benefit from all the advantages of the number one in Swiss mobile payment systems.

Now customers of St.Galler Kantonalbank also have the ability to carry around their bank account at all times in their smartphone as a means of payment. This allows them to pay for their shopping online, at the checkout, at 90,000 parking spaces, or in over 600 farm shops directly using their bank account.

With total assets of CHF 33.1 billion and over 1,200 employees, SGKB is one of the larger cantonal banks in Switzerland. It is the leading bank in eastern Switzerland. Customers of these banks can download the SGBK TWINT app at no charge and connect the TWINT app directly to their bank account, making topping up credit unnecessary.

'We always want to give our customers the greatest freedom of choice when it comes to their banking services. We are therefore particularly pleased that the SGBK TWINT app has received such a positive response already,' explains Roland Ledergeber, CEO of SGBK.

The leading mobile payment system
In just two years, TWINT has established itself as Switzerland’s leading mobile payment system. With some 1.6 million users and around 3 million transactions made every month, TWINT is becoming ever more popular. Around 140 TWINT transactions are already executed every minute.

In addition to making in-store payments, TWINT is the fastest payment solution on the Internet and can be used for transferring money to other TWINT users (peer to peer). TWINT is today accepted in practically all major retail stores, including Coop, Migros, Spar and Volg. TWINT is also the leading payment solution in the mobility sector and allows for payments to be made with the SBB, BLS, many private railway networks, Fairtiq, TCS and the largest provider of electric charging stations. What’s more, TWINT can already be used to pay for around 90,000 parking spaces in Switzerland without the need for cash.

'We see SGBK as a very important, new partner. After all, for a major part of the eastern Swiss population, SGBK is ‘their’ bank. We are proud that more and more Swiss banks are supporting TWINT,' adds Markus Kilb, CEO of TWINT.

German Contact

TWINT Media Department
Stauffacherstrasse 31
8004 Zurich
+41 76 584 33 71
[email protected]

French Contact

Marie-Hélène Hancock
Hirzel.Neef.Schmid.Konsulenten AG
Rue de Malatrex 50
1211 Genève
+41 79 204 21 22
[email protected]
