How can I offer “TWINT Express Checkout” in my online shop?

In your capacity as a merchant, TWINT provides you with the option of integrating “TWINT Express Checkout” so that users can make fast and convenient payments in your online shop.

A detailed overview of the benefits offered by “TWINT Express Checkout” in comparison with the traditional checkout process is available here.

Please note that certain conditions have to be met for you to be able to offer “TWINT Express Checkout” in your online shop.

How to set up TWINT Express Checkout:

  • Log into the TWINT merchant portal.
  • Open the menu, tap “Home” to open the “Online Shop” tile and then click “Integrate TWINT”.
  • Choose between the options “Standard”, “Express Checkout” or “Combi Package” and follow the instructions on the screen.
  • Once you have successfully set up your shop, follow the instructions set out in the instruction manual for your shop system. To activate your shop, you will need the shop’s UUID (in the “Settings” under “User management”) that clearly identifies your online shop. If you have any questions on this topic, please contact the Customer Service team for your shop system.


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