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Five questions to… Human Sahebi

Human works in Business Operations and tells about his best experiences!

Portraitbild von Human Senior Business Operations Manager bei TWINT
1.     In which area do you work at TWINT?

I have worked as a Senior Business Operations Manager at TWINT for just over a year and a half. Business Operations is responsible for all of the specialists as well as for the coordination of Customer Service. We work together with our Support team to form the Customer Operations department, as the customer is always our main priority. Our area of responsibility is so wide-ranging that describing it here would go beyond the scope of this interview. We work very closely together with many different departments within the company.

2.     What do you particularly like about your everyday work?

I really like working together with so many creative and positive colleagues. I can also stand behind our brand with great pride. Our work at TWINT is particularly exciting because TWINT operates in three completely different functions. We do not just work as a scheme for our partner banks, but also as an acquirer for our TWINT merchants and as an issuer of the TWINT prepaid app for our prepaid users. Our management team does not just listen to input from specific employees, it also proactively asks for input, evaluates any information it gets and makes suggestions for the benefit of our customers. Back in spring 2020 at the outset of the coronavirus pandemic, TWINT constantly focused on the health of its employees –  and even went beyond the recommendations made by the FOPH. I am proud to work for such a company.

3.     What is the best customer feedback you have received during your time at TWINT?

We have received lots of great feedback! J Our Support team looks after our customers every day in a friendly and motivated manner, and my colleagues in the Business Operations team who deal with the more complex cases also perform to the highest possible standard every single day. Here are a few of the fantastic pieces of feedback we have received:

“I have rarely experienced such a friendly and creative colleague when I needed the support of a helpline.”

“Ms [name of employee] not only had a great sense of humour; she was also able to give expert answers to all of my questions.”

“Mr [name of employee] was able to help me just as professionally in Bernese German and gave me a few new tips for topping up my credit more quickly.”

“That is great news. Thank you for your attentiveness and all your hard work.”

“I would like to quickly give you a massive COMPLIMENT! I am just integrating TWINT into our shop (web, change of address and account, QR code order, etc.). Everything I do... IT WORKS! I wrote to the Support team this morning and I received an answer in no time at all. What’s more, it was really friendly. I myself worked for three years in technical support and I have to say, you’re doing a great job! Thank you, Twint team!”

4.     Which TWINT functions do you use the most?

That is difficult to say. As I prefer to do my shopping online, I probably use TWINT the most in e-commerce. However, it’s also hard to imagine everyday life without using TWINT at shops and with my friends. If you drive a car and have never used the “Parking” function, I can only recommend that you do so! And if you are looking for a gift for your godchild, you will definitely find the right gift in TWINT+ under “Digital vouchers” ;-)

5.     What makes you particularly proud in terms of your work and your friends and family?

I am proud to work every day on a product that is regularly used by millions of people in Switzerland. I love seeing the gleam in people’s eyes when I tell them about a TWINT function that they might never have tried and which subsequently makes their day-to-day lives noticeably easier. For example, the “Split payments” function, with which I can split the amount of a payment among multiple friends. This function is already available in the prepaid app and will hopefully also be made available to users of other TWINT apps in just a few months.

Download TWINT app

It does not matter who you bank with: TWINT is available to everybody. Ideally, you should select the TWINT app of a bank with which you have an account. This will allow you to link the app to your bank account.